Recovery Tools

A range of apps, videos, books and other recovery tools to support you in your recovery

Breaking Free Online

Used by our service users, this evidence based resource helps you build a plan that is unique to you. Use Devon11 if you live in Devon or Dorset11 if you live in Dorset to login for free

Sure Recovery App

This app was jointly designed and developed by people with lived experience of drug and alcohol problems, researchers and clinicians from King’s College London. You can use it to track your recovery and achieve your personal goals.

Sober Grid

This app combines peer support coaching, an active online community, digital therapeutics, and a digital library of mental health resources to help individuals achieve long term recovery.

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Chris’s Story

“After years of using alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with ever-worsening mental health issues…it was time to ask for some help” Read Chris’s

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