Family support in Dorset

Get help and support if your family member or loved one is using drugs or alcohol

Working with the whole family

When parents are in drug and alcohol treatment it can have a big effect on those around them especially children.

Our Family Support Team help families early on. We work with the whole family alongside their recovery worker, provide a rounded package of support, as well as linking in with other external services.

We want to help you, your children, your spouse and any other family members through your recovery journey and make your home as safe as possible.

Range of support

We can provide up to 12 weeks of interventions on the following:

  • Building child resilience
  • Communication
  • Dealing with behaviour & discipline
  • Family stress
  • Managing child & parent anxieties
  • Education
  • Nutrition & exercise
  • Routines
  • Healthy relationships
  • Effects of substance misuse on parenting & children
  • Safeguarding
  • Learning to play


We also offer targeted support for parents of children with additional needs

Pregnancy support

If you are pregnant or thinking about starting a family, we have a range of leaflets and guidance which we have developed in partnership with the specialist midwife service which can be found on the side of this page. These give advice on various drugs and the impact they can have on a pregnancy.

We work closely with the Specialist Midwife services to make sure you and your baby are happy and healthy.

Additional support

Sometimes a little extra support for a family is required and we work with agencies such as Early Help, Domestic Abuse services, housing and many others to provide a strong package of care for your family.

Friends & Relatives

It can be worrying when a friend or family member is misusing drugs or alcohol. Often it creates lots of problems not just for the person using the substances but for those around them as well.

As a friend or family member there is often a lot of stigma, shame and isolation that comes with having someone we care about misuse substances. When you find out that someone you care about is using drugs and alcohol it can often bring up lots of emotions such as anger, fear and confusion.

To get support for yourself as a friend or family member please call 0800 043 4656 and  you will be put in touch with one of our family leads who will talk with you and offer you a range of support through a difficult time.

Family groups

We run group programmes for any parents who are responsible for the care and upbringing of a child or children

Relative Support Groups

We have both face to face and zoom groups which are a lifeline for many relatives and friends who want to support someone through their substance use but often don’t know where to start.