What to expect when social services are involved with your family

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“I was really scared when the social worker took my children into care. I listened to what my family worker said and she explained to me what they wanted me to do. She helped me do this. My children are home now and its’ going well. Marie is amazing. She changed my life..” 


Supported by the Specialist Family Worker Team

Breaking down the stigma of children’s services can be a challenge. Clients often feel that their children will be taken away if they get involved. We often hear they feel that social workers don’t understand addiction and recovery and can be judgemental in their approach.  

As Specialist Family Workers in EDP Reach (which provides support to families in Dorset) it is our role to reassure the client that Children’s Services are there to support the client and work in the best interests of their children.   

We use the Mary Glover book. ‘Drugs, alcohol and parenting’ which gives an overview of Children’s Services, what social workers do, the Law, Early Help and Child Protection Conferences.   

The family worker will go through it with them so any concerns or questions can be answered.  It is essential throughout the client’s journey with Children’s Services involvement that, the processes and terminology is explained to alleviate some of the worry and stress.  

We also work closely with the allocated social worker for the family to explain the individual’s addiction and recovery journey, we suggest ways in which they can support the client and their children during this time.  


“I have a social worker for my children because of my alcohol use. They are on a Child Protection Plan. My family support worker comes to all the meetings with me and takes lots of notes and asks questions which really helps. She then talks to me after the meeting to make sure I’m Ok and I understand what’s been said and what they want me to do. We then work out a plan together so I can do the things I need to. I’m glad I have someone at the meetings with me because it’s intimidating with all the people there and it can be really scary”  .” 


Supported by the Specialist Family Worker Team